The sustainable use of materials and recycling are high on the agenda of both National and Local Governments, construction industry clients, contractors, material producers and the public at large.

The emphasis on sustainability has increased awareness of the high level of use of primary materials and the excessive production of construction waste.

There is growing pressure on producers and consumers to move towards more sustainable resourcing of construction materials by reducing the consumption of primary aggregates and switching to recycled or secondary aggregates.

Sustainability means using methods, systems and materials which will not deplete resources or harm natural cycles. It encompasses the many processes through which a profitable and competitive construction industry must deliver built assets, which not only enhance the quality of life and stakeholder satisfaction, but more than satisfy stringent environmental prerequisites including reducing the carbon footprint.

Our Focus – The Circular Economy

Here at OCL instead of using the traditional linear economy (make, use, dispose). We apply a recycle, recover, regenerate approach. We keep resources in use for as long as possible, extract the maximum value from them whilst in use, then recover and regenerate products and materials at the end of their service life.

Why a circular economy is important?

As well as creating new opportunities for growth, a more circular economy will:

  • Reduce waste
  • Drive greater resource productivity
  • Deliver a more competitive UK economy.
  • Position the UK to better address emerging resource security/scarcity issues in the future.
  • Help reduce the environmental impacts of our production and consumption in both the UK and abroad and thus reducing carbon footprint

Here at OCL we have made this our mission to increase surfacing savings to clients and the environment by focusing on:

  • Sustainability to minimise the environmental impact
  • Encourage diversion from landfill
  • Reduce the demand on quarried products
  • Recycle, Recover, Regenerate – Learn more about the Circular Economy
  • Promote and develop sustainable materials
  • Minimise the energy used in production and installation of our products
  • Increase the offer of green credentials and benefits to clients
  • Benchmark best practice
  • Ensure our low energy, highly sustainable materials equal if not supersede their traditional counterparts (concrete and asphalt)

To make this a reality; the OCL team is working together with our partners to embrace new ideas and technology to generate innovative solutions using recycled materials to protect the environment.

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